Adventurers, get your swords at the ready as The Elder Scrolls: Blades storms onto Nintendo Switch in Autumn 2019.
Bethesda made the announcement as part of their E3 2019 Showcase and also revealed a major update for the game. Launching immediately after the press conference, the free update to the iOS and Android game brings with it a new Dragon Slayer quest line, solo arena quests, a new custom jewellery system, NPC-voice over and more. For a full list of everything included in the v1.1 update, check out the changelog on Bethesda’s site.
Just like the mobile game, The Elder Scrolls: Blades on Nintendo Switch will be totally free, following in the footsteps of another Bethesda title, Fallout Shelter. Players will have the flexibility of playing the game in handheld or docked configurations, meaning Blades is playable on a TV for the first time. Bethesda is also continuing their love affair with motion controls that began in Skyrim by adding full support for the Switch’s Joy-Cons to The Elder Scrolls: Blades.

If you’ve already started building your town and levelling your hero in Blades on iOS or Android then you’ll be pleased to hear that progression will carry over to the Switch version of the game. Fully cross-play and cross-progression is available between the Switch and mobile versions of The Elder Scrolls: Blades, meaning that you can continue your adventure wherever, and whenever you’d like.
The Elder Scrolls: Blades launches on Nintendo Switch in Autumn and you can get your first look at the experience, including a look at the motion controls in action, in the trailer embedded below.