Super Mario Maker 2 listed as a June 28th release by multiple retailers

Hopefully they're not just mario makering this up.
Super Mario Maker 2

We’ve known since the February Direct that the sequel to Nintendo’s platform-creator was heading to the Switch this June but no definitive date was announced. However, it now looks as though a potential release date for Super Mario Maker 2 may have been revealed by multiple online retailers.

Game listings on retail sites such as ShopTo, Amazon Mexico, and all seem to be pegging the upcoming Super Mario Maker 2 game for a June 28th release.

While all release dates provided by retailers should be taken with a grain of salt until an official announcement is made by Nintendo, there are a couple of factors that make the date seem more legitimate. Besides the same date being published by multiple retailers, June 28th falls on the last Friday of the month which aligns with a pattern the company has used for previous major releases such as Super Mario Odyssey and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

It’s also worth noting that another online retailer, The Game Collection, has Super Mario Maker 2 slated for release a week earlier on June 21st 2019. In any case, we’ll just have to keep our eyes peeled for an official announcement from Nintendo to know for sure.

Super Mario Maker 2 - Announcement Trailer